With my new website comes this author’s blog. Sometimes it will be serious because these are serious times and reflecting upon our history can be a powerful and important thing. But it will also be playful or humorous — because writing comes from moments of whimsy and fun as well.
I’ll be blogging about a wide variety of topics — from the state of the world to the state of children’s book publishing; the ups and downs, frustrations and pleasures of my writing life; how I do research; what I learn from the students I visit; upcoming and new publications of mine; things I learn from my dog; and anything else that might be bouncing around my brain that day. Kind of like life, isn’t it? Ever changing, funny, I hope, challenging, but rarely predictable.
So welcome to my new site. I think it looks pretty spiffy, but then again I’m a little biased. Let me know what you think and if there’s any other information I might add. And, I hope you will follow this blog and check back often. I hope to see you again soon!